Exhibition: 'MCM Incorporated' by Lance Long

Lance Long presents this show as a genuine, if questionable, business venture within the context of an art gallery.

During the month of May, MCM Incorporated™ is taking over the Project Space. This installation and performance that references 90’s office culture, aims to blur the lines between art and everyday life by exploring a service you can turn to when you’re apprehensive about returning a missed call. Lance Long presents this show as a genuine, if questionable, business venture within the context of an art gallery. Viewers in that space and the public alike can call in to participate and have their missed calls followed up.

A statement from Lance:
“I’m dedicated to an overarching strategy to stimulate innovation. Market research reveals that the typical corporate environment is perceived by consumers as ‘unapproachable’ or ‘untrustworthy’ and our ninetofive slog of ‘93 is no longer efficient. Studies show productivity in the workplace is 98% higher during the hours of 7pm-9pm and the most industrious day of the year is the 18th of May, so we at MGM Incorporated™ will adjust our hours/time period accordingly and will now be situated at Firstcoat Studios in the year 2018… Ok Karen, that’s a wrap. Send it to the eggheads in marketing, I’m off to sushi.”

Poster by Lance Long and photography by Grace Dewar.